Matt Mememaro

Hailing from the enchanting landscapes of Australia, Matt Mememaro is a distinguished fantasy author who has recently ventured into the realms of romfantasy, seamlessly blending magic with matters of the heart.

Immersed in the rich tapestry of Australian culture, Matt’s upbringing instilled in him a deep appreciation for the mystical and the extraordinary. This fascination with the fantastical, coupled with a love for storytelling, laid the foundation for his journey into the world of fantasy literature.

As Matt Mememaro ventures into the uncharted territories of romfantasy, he brings his signature blend of magic, adventure, and heart-warming romance to captivate readers. His works transport audiences from the sun-kissed landscapes of Australia to realms where love and magic intertwine, creating a literary experience that is as enchanting as the author himself.


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With Asenfort in ruins and Goliath revived, Reave is ecstatic, but there’s more work that needs to be done. The Dreadnought, the crown jewel of the Port Vera fleet is up for grabs, and not just by Goliath. A hungry Forn Rask also has the desire to reclaim his long-lost ship.

With danger lurking in every corner, Reave and Goliath must navigate Shornora whilst trying to piece together their fleet. With Port Vera under threat, Reave must figure out how to free the island from the clutches of Captain Greybeard. With the return of Kaliban, the Sea Lord will only further complicate the pirate’s plans……………………………………………………….

Captain Reave Reynolds roams the waters with a ruthless abandon. Commanding his fabled Flagship by thought, the immortal buccaneer sacks Port Nolls and inadvertently attracts the attention of the Imperia’s ruler, King Davis. But his attempts to grow his own fortune turn to disaster when Reynolds’ own pirate king is killed in the aftermath.

As their leader’s body is discovered and all hell breaks loose in the world of the pirates. Reave vows to scour the ocean to find a magical relic that could revive the murdered Goliath. But the treacherous waves bring deserters, imperial forces… and a formidable foe who could be his downfall…